Our Vision
Whether you’re new to church, have been a Christian for many years, or are looking for a fresh start, you’re welcome here. Our hope is to give you a place where you experience a fresh, enjoyable connection to God and to a community of people.
We keep our vision simple so we can have the biggest impact possible. Everything we do as a church is filtered through our four compass points. Join us on the journey as we discover life's true direction through Jesus Christ, His Community, His Service, and His Mission.
We keep our vision simple so we can have the biggest impact possible. Everything we do as a church is filtered through our four compass points. Join us on the journey as we discover life's true direction through Jesus Christ, His Community, His Service, and His Mission.

Jesus Christ
The North Point of Life
At Crosswind, we call Jesus the North Point of Life. Just like the arrow on a compass is drawn to the magnetic north pole, giving direction and perspective to a traveler, so too, Jesus gives meaning, direction, and purpose to all of life. Without him in our life we find ourselves lost in a sea of confusion and misdirection. We encourage you to let Jesus be to you what he was to the Apostle Paul when he said “I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead. I want to suffer with him, sharing in his death” (Philippians 3:10, New Living Translation).
With all of our compass points we have a very simple way to live that out on a routine basis. We think attending Weekend Services, on a weekly basis, is one of the best ways to stay connected to a vital experience with God. In our Weekend Services you can experience the very presence of God through two very important avenues. First, you can experience His presence through the interactive power of our worship and creative arts ministries. Many of our songs have been composed by our members and help to connect us with the power and presence of God. Second, you can experience God’s presence through a retelling and a reliving of the Scriptures, as its practical application is given to us through the teaching ministry of our pastors. We also encourage you to stay connected to God through the week by forming a daily devotional habit with the Bible and prayer.
With all of our compass points we have a very simple way to live that out on a routine basis. We think attending Weekend Services, on a weekly basis, is one of the best ways to stay connected to a vital experience with God. In our Weekend Services you can experience the very presence of God through two very important avenues. First, you can experience His presence through the interactive power of our worship and creative arts ministries. Many of our songs have been composed by our members and help to connect us with the power and presence of God. Second, you can experience God’s presence through a retelling and a reliving of the Scriptures, as its practical application is given to us through the teaching ministry of our pastors. We also encourage you to stay connected to God through the week by forming a daily devotional habit with the Bible and prayer.

His Community
The East Point of Life
Crosswind Church believes that Jesus loves something he calls “the church.” We call this the East Point of Life, since humanity found its origins in a place, geographically, “in the east” (see Genesis 2:8; 11:2). The church is simply a group of people called out of darkness into a living fellowship with God and each other. We have this wonderful snapshot of the early church living out a true sense of biblical community in Acts 2:42-47. There you will find them being “devoted” to five main things: Biblical Teaching, Caring Community, Table Fellowship, Passionate Prayer, and Loving Outreach. They did all of these things together as the extension of the living presence of Jesus Christ in the world.
“Church” at Crosswind means much more than just a weekly experience in a building where the followers of Jesus gather to worship. In fact, it means involving ourselves at a level of friendship and accountability that allows us to experience a deeper sense of biblical community; a place where hurts are healed, sins are cleansed, and lives are transformed. The simple way for you to be involved with this experience is by attending one of our Small Groups that meet during two semesters throughout the year (Sept-Dec and Feb-May).
“Church” at Crosswind means much more than just a weekly experience in a building where the followers of Jesus gather to worship. In fact, it means involving ourselves at a level of friendship and accountability that allows us to experience a deeper sense of biblical community; a place where hurts are healed, sins are cleansed, and lives are transformed. The simple way for you to be involved with this experience is by attending one of our Small Groups that meet during two semesters throughout the year (Sept-Dec and Feb-May).

His Service
The South Point of Life
The South point of the compass is in the downward direction of a map. Therefore, it is the position that a servant of Christ takes in sharing through acts of kindness and humility, the South Point of Life. Crosswind believes that one of the primary ways we display the love of Jesus is through servicing real human need. Christians are called to be a living expression of the heart of Jesus. Jesus was the consummate servant (Philippians 2:4-11; Luke 22:25-27) and he calls us to emulate him (John 13). Jesus said to his disciples when they were squabbling over who should be considered the greatest, “Who is more important, the one who sits at the table or the one who serves? The one who sits at the table, of course. But not here! For I am among you as one who serves" (Luke 22:27, New Living Translation).
Besides encouraging all our members to find a need and fill it, Crosswind seeks to involve as many people as possible in simple acts of service during our own Weekend Services. If you have been in our church six weeks or six years, we encourage you to sign up for the Dream Team. We believe you will discover what Jesus meant when he said “it is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). Several times throughout the year we offer a two-week course we call "NextLevel". In these sessions you will discover more about who we are and where you fit in here at Crosswind. You will take a personality profile and a spiritual gifts inventory that are designed to help you figure out the unique shape that God has created you with. Once you discover who you are and what gifts and talents you possess, we believe it will help make you a better follower of Jesus.
Besides encouraging all our members to find a need and fill it, Crosswind seeks to involve as many people as possible in simple acts of service during our own Weekend Services. If you have been in our church six weeks or six years, we encourage you to sign up for the Dream Team. We believe you will discover what Jesus meant when he said “it is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). Several times throughout the year we offer a two-week course we call "NextLevel". In these sessions you will discover more about who we are and where you fit in here at Crosswind. You will take a personality profile and a spiritual gifts inventory that are designed to help you figure out the unique shape that God has created you with. Once you discover who you are and what gifts and talents you possess, we believe it will help make you a better follower of Jesus.

His Mission
The West Point of Life
The West has always been the direction of progress, expansion, and adventure. “Go west young man” is a proverbial way of encouraging this spirit. The greatest adventure of all time is the Great Commission, thus we call this the West Point of Life. We are called to win the world for Jesus Christ! Jesus said, “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:18, New Living Translation). Crosswind believes, as Jesus did, that lost people matter to God.
Crosswind encourages our church to express this point of life through a lifestyle of investing and inviting people to our Weekend Services, believing that lost people have the greatest chance to experience a life-changing event when they hear the message of Jesus Christ. Throughout the year we also have several opportunities to get plugged into service projects within our local community. Located on our property is the Deeds of Faith Food Pantry that weekly serves hundreds of families who are in need. Every seven weeks we partner with the local Shepherd's Staff Soup Kitchen to help serve a warm meal to the homeless in Westminster. Finally, we are passionately involved with missions work in the country of Nicaragua. There we are committed to digging clean water wells, empowering women to learn a trade, and so much more.
Crosswind encourages our church to express this point of life through a lifestyle of investing and inviting people to our Weekend Services, believing that lost people have the greatest chance to experience a life-changing event when they hear the message of Jesus Christ. Throughout the year we also have several opportunities to get plugged into service projects within our local community. Located on our property is the Deeds of Faith Food Pantry that weekly serves hundreds of families who are in need. Every seven weeks we partner with the local Shepherd's Staff Soup Kitchen to help serve a warm meal to the homeless in Westminster. Finally, we are passionately involved with missions work in the country of Nicaragua. There we are committed to digging clean water wells, empowering women to learn a trade, and so much more.